I once said to you that I won't trust your words when you say you miss me and stuff cause I don't want to take things too fast and don't want to repeat another mistakes. But after knowing you for some time, I realise that I could somehow trust you and your words.
I told you bout my feelings towards you and started saying IMY. I somehow did mean it when saying those words cause I know that I'm falling for you. But eventually all that seem to be just for awhile. Ever since we had the convo, you seem to react differently towards me and seem to like ignoring me.
Now everything really make sense. You do mean it saying those words to me, it was all just for awhile. You can't seem to accept my true self. It just feel so hurt to see myself being ignore by someone whom I address him as "baby". Maybe it was all just another stupid mistake make. Those text used to be kinda long but now, its only like a one word reply. That seem to be like you are ignoring me and slowly leaving me. I never know and would understand if you are really leaving.
I told you bout my feelings towards you and started saying IMY. I somehow did mean it when saying those words cause I know that I'm falling for you. But eventually all that seem to be just for awhile. Ever since we had the convo, you seem to react differently towards me and seem to like ignoring me.
Now everything really make sense. You do mean it saying those words to me, it was all just for awhile. You can't seem to accept my true self. It just feel so hurt to see myself being ignore by someone whom I address him as "baby". Maybe it was all just another stupid mistake make. Those text used to be kinda long but now, its only like a one word reply. That seem to be like you are ignoring me and slowly leaving me. I never know and would understand if you are really leaving.
I just don't know what to say anymore. I'm just kinda hurt and miserable. I guess December is not being good to me. I'm just going to wait for him to say "I miss you badly and can I meet you?" and not going to keep pestering him anymore.
And I shall end with this:
I want the old you back and accept me for who I am.
I really miss you and please stop ignoring me will you.