Hey its Sheeqeen Dementia!
And I'm Back to hit the dance floor!
Yeah Yeah,
I've been dancing lately and busy preparing for
Teacher's Day Performance.
Monday 31 Aug,
The big day and
Can't wait for that.
Other than that,
I din't manage to enter the
"Child Aid".
But Why?
I was busy updating and editing my video for the selection
and didn't even realize that the due that is over.
What a waste.
Just have to wait for next year if there is.
But still,
I got the school stage and else where,
That i could perform.
I won't waste that talent okay!
Labels: Be a Dancer yall.

Why can't I speak when I have so much to tell?Why can't I write when I have so much in mind?
Why can't I sing when there's music in my heart?
Why can't I dance when there's rythm in the air?
Too many words left unspoken
Too many things left undone
Why can't it be and why can't I?
For all I know this pain deep inside
Took the gladness from my heart.
Is this the pain of missing you?
Is this the reason behind it all?
Hear the agony of my heart
Longing for you
Feeling your face
Missing the warm embrace.
I spent my night with Mr An yesterday.
Eating dinner & watching movie together.
You may wondering what are we?
We are just friends that are unknown to each other.
It was a great outing but he thought that it was not a good outing for me.
I enjoy the outing..
I enjoy his accompany.
Thanks for treating me to the movies..
It was great after all..
P.s: Just a short post about us.
Labels: I love My People.

Thnx for being there for me dearest.
We may just met but it's great enough to be able to meet someone like you.
I appreciate all the hardwork you had just to make me feel so great in life.
I appreciate the times you had with me dearest.
I hope this friendship will last long.
Labels: Thnx for the time dearest.
Yeah.. I am sick & tired of crying..Went home after school & feel like crying I dun seem to be in this family huh?All this while you have been against me & nafrie so much.
All this while you have been nagging, scolding at us for nothing wrong..
Why are you so against us?
Is it so hard for you to understand us?
Yeah I know that you want us to understand you too but the thing is,
We did understand you & like you said whatever you want to do, please make sure that we don't bring down the family name.
Let me ask, have i ever bring down the family name?
Its a total big fat NO!
All this while I kept everything that I want to say to you.
I've been keeping it for 3 years and still counting.
Since 25 Oct 2005, we are like this.
When you seem to need me, then you approach & begin to talk to me and stuff..
What if you don't need me?
Are you going to not to talk to me, approach me or even worse acted like as if I'm not there right in front of you huh?
I've gone so many ups and downs for 3 years.
I've cried & hurts for 3 years.
Do you ever care how I felt when you treat me this way?
Do you ever think that what ever i do, i tried to earn something for myself?
Do you ever thought of encouraging me to do best in what I'm best at?
Have you ever thought of anything bout ME?
Have you?
I feel so upset with you every time you scolded me for the things that I don't do.
I feel so upset to see you not to bother about me.
I fee so upset when actually you can't take the fact that you are actually loving and paying more attention towards them?
I feel so upset to see you cry.
I feel so upset to see all those bruises.
Have you ever though of how life like when i was in school, out with friends?
All you ever said that i'm wasting my time doing nothing with them.
but at the fact you don't even know that they are my second family who always want to hear to my problems..
I'm not fooling around out there with them but in fact i'm somehow crying right in front of them seeking for encouragement, love, care & concern.
If thay can give me that,
Why can't YOU?
Answer me now.
Labels: I just want to see the lov from you mom