She's sick and breakdown again.
I'm glad that exam are all over but.
I've just receive my result and
All I can say that it is totally badly done.
Worse result ever I've ever got.
As I receive my result from Ms Foo,
She give me a look of disappointment.
What can I say?
After everyone get their result,
Fawzy, myself, Nikki, Hafiz and a few more
were told to stay back.
What else will she said if its not regarding our result?
Every single one were ask:
What are your problems that lead to this result?
Many said due to laziness.
But my answer was:
Too active with outside activities.
After listening to all her advice n nagging,
Headed home and felt sick.
As I lay on my bed staring at my result,
Tears begin to flow on my cheek.
I ask myself,
is the the result that I want for my N level?
I can't answer to it.
If the way I am right now,
I can't possibly show an outstanding improvement just like that.
My mind are full with soo many stuff.
Am I really ready for tomorrow?
Am I ready to face the future?
So many question that I can't answer.
Things are playimg up on my mind.
What shall I do next?
It is really a disappointment.
And when you love someone,
You don't give up.
Congrats to Baby and his crew
(Fantastic Remix, Fantastic Forze & Fantastic Kids)
In making to the finals for the
Dance Xplosion 5 Competition.
Up Next:
Small People has been absent from school for 2 days.
Yet still planning of not going school again.
Break down for 3 days and still counting again.
Its been long since Small People last meet her Giant.
But after flash mob she met her giant,
She hope to be able to chill him for long but....
Instead it was the other way round.
Waited for everything to end and manage to chill
With him just for a while.
Was upset but at least small people
Did have fun with her giant.
But till now didn't receive any call
From giant since yesterday.
What have he been doing?
Small people is starting to think negatively
Day by day but I'm just not so sure
If I should or not.
I've been feeling so down lately and yet
Giant don't seem to bother bout it
And see any changes in me towards him.
Am I suppose to face all this by myself?
" When you love someone,You don't give up"
" He isn't my boyfriend.
But I love his smile, his advice,
his kindness
And the times when we laugh together,
I guess i fell in love with our friendship."
" Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right,
And forget about the ones who don't and believe
That everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance; take it.
If it changes your life; let it.
Nobody said that it would be easy,
They just promised it will be worth it."
Ever since I had tat dream,
So many things are up on my mind.
I don't even know which step I should and should not take.
Currently I feel like turning back to .....
But I can't.
I'm all hooked up and it has been 22 days and still counting.
And it has been 5 months since I last meet him.
I miss all the fun and laughter that I had with him.
All the debating and nonsense talk with his friends too.
Why on earth must I dream about them at the same time?
It has been 2 days since I break down.
Who should it be?
Decide on it small people?

So I sit here all by myself
With no-one to talk to and no-one to phone
People always see me as a petite and problematic person
But deep inside all I want to do is cry.
14 more days to mom birthday.
20 more days to fizah birthday.
15 more days!
Exams end this Friday.
Tomorrow is math paper 2 and physics.
For the past few papers,
All I can say that it is all badly done!
I wasn't ready for all this shit & so is N level.
I can already predict that my prelim result is gonna be my worse result!
My brain are just not functioning like how it use to be.
I don't seem to be able to concentrate doing my exam.
What's going on with me.
I just need a break and can I run away from all this papers?
And he's back up on my mind.
Have I make a wrong move?
Who is that admirer?
Shall continue this some other time.

Small People Love her Giant.