Lately blog has been dead ever since I created Tumblr and being more active on Twitter. Currently I'm beginning to start to do revision for Prelim 2 and N level Exams. This time round I have to commit to school in order to pass. I have to put aside all my bad habits. Will I be able to do so? I'm still not sure about it. I'm still trying. With few more days left, I'm still trying to seek teachers and friends help. Although its kind a last minute thing, I can still do well if I want to. Enough said bout school.
Most of you guys know that I'm from 22 Beatz Squad Dance Crew to 22 Criticalucious Beatz dance crew. But I'm glad to announced that I'm finally no longer belong to that crew. After 2 years of waiting. As for now I'm under D'Xuberant Crew [DXC]. But not sure how long will that crew last. Currently the crew seem to be facing lots of problems. Is either we did it or we didn't. Its all up to fate. Regarding 22 Beatz Squad, I got nothing to say. Lets just see how far they will go with just 3-4 dancers which not most of them can really pop and krump like the founder of it can. It's not like as if DXC didn't know that they wanna beat us in everything or what so ever, we do but we just don't bother about it. Both are in the same position right now. Still new and still got lots to learn, so lets just fight from the lowest best before the highest best. You get what I'm trying to say? Don't just jump to the best when you are not even ready to fight the best and in the end felt ashamed of yourself and your crew.
Enough said, what's up with family and friends? Family seem to be fine. Beginning to talk and understand one another. Although there is lack of attention given now I've realise that I have to think positive on the situation and stop having negative thoughts. Although at times I do have problems with family, I will try do nasty things but after reading a newspaper article and "blog" I've came to realise that I'm fortunate enough to have a family which care about me even though they don't show it. As for friends, they are beginning to give me advise about school and facing problems in life. Without them, life is not complete. Although I'm the type that don't really like to make friends, but only with just a few Friends, they are able to change me to a better person and help to regain my self-esteem. Its easy to make friends but its difficult to find the one that will truly stand by you every time you need a listening ear. Once said you are being regard as a best friends, accept that status given and don't hope for more cause you might felt hurt in the end. Friends come and go. But true friends won't leave you just like how your family members is, to support you.
So that's about it I guess. Will have to concentrate on school after this onwards. Not much time to post or whatever. Next post-counting down ?? days.
PS: If you realise one of my eyes in the picture is smaller than the other one. haha.